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Showing posts from November, 2021

The Power Paradigm: Metaverse edition

      This blog post will be slightly off the kilter of my usual writing. Not that I don't want it to be funny or engaging, but I'm not writing it with the same lighthearted intention that I've written about other, less-consequential topics like how to create tally marks or what I made my first website about. This post is also meant to be less results-oriented; there's no final product I want to show off or "behind the scenes" descriptor I'm writing. Instead, I want to use this entry as a jumping off point for discussing an issue that seems to be plaguing every aspect of society nowadays: the rise and dominance and social destruction as a result of: Facebook.     But, in particular, I've been curious: what role has their software-baby, ReactJS, played in this power struggle? It's been a hard question to answer definitively. For one, news coverage seems very intently focused on "one side" or "the other":     -It's very easy t...

How to Tally

     A thought hit me a few weeks ago while I was commuting: surely there must already exist a computer font (or plugin? or...malware?) that can render Arabic numerals (ie: 1,2,3...) as tally marks (ie: / , // , /// ). A few search engine pages later, I was proven wrong. At first I felt frustrated and stymied. Sad and down. Depressed. Resentful.     Well, not really. But I honestly didn't get it. Why wasn't there already a font that could take a number (say, 42) and render it as a series of slashes, grouped into fives with bundling-lines, and single slashes for the "remainder."      As can be the case with a lot of problem solving, saying the question out loud helped me better understand the problem. Of course there was no font to do computational equations for me: all it's supposed to do is style a Unicode value ! But then, how was I supposed to display the tally marks I had in mind for my project (more on that in other posts)??!? If only I ...