Hello to my loyal fans. I hope you all have been having an excellent autumn/summer/spring/2022 since you last stopped by, hoping to find what was instead a mysteriously (and no doubt, frustratingly) absent fresh article from me. Apologies for keeping you waiting. But here it is! Still, I hear you. "What", you might be asking, "could be so important that it would be worth pausing on committing to record these written anecdotes that so many of us have come to enjoy?". Well, I'll tell you what - I got a job! I got a job! I got a job! Well, sort of. I got an internship. For several months this summer-through-fall I worked as a member of the Frontend Web Team at the Meal Kit delivery company Blue Apron . I was pretty excited for the opportunity. Not only would it be my first job in tech, but the food industry in general is something I've been an enthusiastic part of for most of my professional life. Not only was I excited to retain some sembla...