A few weeks ago, I had a moment of pretty serious Imposter Syndrome. A coding meetup group, called Rust-NYC , decided to host its meeting at the Flatiron School, where I spend my days taking classes. A coding meetup logically seemed like the a great place to meet likeminded folks. It was only after the meeting had started, and I started chatting with people, that I realized how far in, over my head, I had gotten. It turns out: 1) Rust isn't just a clever name for the group (in its reference to the short lived nature of hardware/in that the group also never sleeps ), it's also the name of the language they all practice, and meet to discuss. 2) Rust has fewer formal applications in the market place - which means the folks there are also devoting their hard earned free time (and free brain space) to more coding and programming and syntax and refactoring and debugging and and and... The imposter syndrome set in when I realized that this kind of meetup (despite it...